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One Body
We are one body…. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it (1 Cor 12,26a)
One Body started as a cooperation between national Church Councils in the Nordic European countries and Southern Africa. Together we have created material on HIV and AIDS(2006) and towards gender equality, including young people and overcoming violence (2014). The Fellowship of Christian Councils in southern Africa further developed the supplement (2016) as a response to the need for training. It is a continuation of the One Body Series, and discusses the same topics such as Human Dignity, Gender-Based Violence and Unity of Humanity as One Body and uses the method of dialogue
One Body (2006) – North-South Reflections in the Face of HIV and AIDS
One Body (vol 1) consists of a collection of reflections on the challenges, for the Church, of AIDS-related stigma. Volume 2 is devoted to resources for prayer, liturgy, worship and bible-study, combined with personal testimonies from people living with HIV and AIDS.
Volume 1
One Body 2 (2014) – Human Dignity Inherent in Every Human Being
As we saw attitudes towards HIV and AIDS improved in our churches, the One Body cooperation decided to expand our topics. Using the same method of dialogue and bible studies, a new material was made with focus on gender equality, including young people and overcoming abuse. There was also made a Facilitators guide based on experiences from the first One Body material.
Supplement (2016)
In 2016 the Church Councils in Southern Africa created a supplement to One Body. The material discusses the role of the Churches in the context of violence on marginalised groups, such as people identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex people (LGBTI).