I månedens blogg forteller Angelica Kjos sin sterke historie fra barndommen hennes hvor hun ble solgt av et familiemedlem til andre menn for seksuell utnyttelse. Et enormt viktig tema å belyse som få snakker om!
Stavanger Mission Conference 2019
NMS inviterer til Stavanger Mission Conference 2019:
Power of the Church – Use and Abuse: Addressing Corruption in Church and Society.
Corruption is a global challenge with local consequences. To be able to understand it and fight it demands dialogue and sharing of experiences.
The Church has been instrumental in providing social welfare services and protecting human rights. Still, over the years many churches, Christian institutions and faith-based organizations have been hit by cases of corruption and financial mismanagement. Will the Church play an active role in fighting corruption? Can transparency and accountability increase ownership and financial sustainability of the churches?
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